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Rubber Coin Case|CC-02 |GALLERIA

Rubber Coin Case


Carry the world's easiest wallet

Recommended when you are going out for a short time and don't want to put too much stuff in your pockets.
Smaller than a mini wallet, it can be opened by simply holding it vertically, making it smart to use.
GOOD for carrying coins by hooking it to your bag when you are outdoors.

Normal price: $13.2 (tax included)
Rubber Coin Case
  • Product Information
  • Reviews (50)
  • Examples

Total 5 colors of Rubber Coin Case

  • Green

  • Red

  • Black

  • White

  • Blue (colour, color)

Rubber coin case is available in one size|F

Unit: inch
Size F
Wide 19.3

Material Information

  • ■soft vinyl
First I received it and tried it on
First I received it and tried it on
I am very happy with the quality of the product, and I am sure I will be using UP_T again. 、中の商品は良い状態で届きました着心地についてまずサイズですが、最近ユニクロやアディダスを2XLで注文してちょうどイイかんじできれていて、今回も2XLでイイ感じです生地の肌触りは、悪くないです 薄手で軽い感じですこれらからいうと、春・秋にTシャツの上に着るのは 良いでしょう 秋の後半から冬にかけて、下にも着込んで上に重ね着するには若干窮屈かもしれません このパーカーの上にダウンなどで暖かさを確保する着かたを試してみようと思います後は、生地の耐久性ですがこれはさすがに時間がたってからでないとコメントできないので、後日時間が I will write about it later when I have more time.
I was pleased with the beautiful printing.
I was pleased with the beautiful printing.
The quality is so good that it was worth all the trouble I went through to process the images☆ I'm becoming a heavy user of your site every day. The fabric is not transparent and I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
The fabric was better than I expected
The fabric was better than I expected
I was worried about the texture of the fabric since it was a discounted product, but the fabric was good, like a regular sports polo shirt.
I like the placement of the letters
I like the placement of the letters
It turned out cuter than I expected. I really like where the vertical letters are placed...there are some folds in the picture, but they are not noticeable when worn. (I carefully cut the tag off because it itches when it hits me when I sleep.)
It was good
It was good
I am very happy with the quality.
Good red color
Good red color
Third order. It took a little time but it turned out good. I made the same design with a commercial iron-on print, but the paper didn't hold up to the durability of washing. This product is thin but seems to be durable. I'm going to be addicted to this product because it is inexpensive to produce.
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■Notes on ordering

  • White ink will not be printed on the product color "white". If you use white in your design, please note that the corresponding area will be transparent (the color of the material).

Please note that the white of the design will be printed on bodies other than white. Please be sure to make the areas you do not wish to print transparent (PNG format) before ordering.

  • Example 1 > Since the body is white, the "white" background visible in the preview will not be printed.

  • Example 2 > The background "white" is printed because the body is other than white.

  • Example 3 > The background is processed transparently so that only the black and red design areas are printed.


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