Shipping Date With purchase today, March 28th the date you receive the package isApril 10th

Original Bag Category


Original tote bag

The bag's standard original tote bag. We have a variety of lineup from inexpensive to the hottest SDGs and eco-friendly products.
Tote bags are available in a variety of materials, from cotton to nylon.


Original Sakosh

We offer a variety of sacosh from standard sacosh to fashionable ones.
We also have cute sakosh with pockets, so please take a look.


Original eco bag

We have a variety of items from low-price eco-bags exclusively for novelties to SDGs-compliant eco-bags.
We also offer fashionable eco bags that can be used for small shopping trips.
Eco bags are also called "My bag" or "Reusable bag", and we also recommend bags that can be used for small shopping trips.


Original Pouch

We offer a variety of pouches from small pouches to rectangular pouches.
We have a variety of pouches from fashionable and cute pouches to standard designs for novelties and goods.


Original drawstring

Flow of Creating Original Bag

Completed in 3 minutes!

Your Own Original Bag

Upload an image

Upload your own illustrations and photos. If you don't have your own work, don't worry, you can easily create it for free with the stamps and design tools provided by Up-T.

Complete order

Select the items you want to buy or sell and you are done. You can choose from 100 items, including tote bags, sakosh, eco-bags, pouches, etc. The quality of the products is assured as the manufacturer has been in business for 70 years.

Purchase on the spot

Once completed, purchase on the spot! All you have to do is wait for the product to arrive! Since it is shipped directly from the manufacturer, you can buy it at cost price and save a lot of money.

4 Reasons
Why Up-T is Different

Up-T has introduced a revolutionary one-stop system from design creation to ordering. Not only does this eliminate the time and effort required for tedious estimates, but it also eliminates the need for intermediary margins by eliminating the need for human intervention, allowing us to produce T-shirts at an overwhelmingly low price and with a short delivery time unrivaled by any other company.

Point 1

Smaller lots OK!

Even if it's just one piece, we can make high-quality T-shirts with unlimited full-color printing at a lower price than anywhere else.

Point 2

Easy design!

No special software required. Up-T's design tools make it easy for anyone to create professional-looking designs.

Point 3

Quick delivery!

All Up-T T-shirts are manufactured in our own factory, so we can flexibly respond to urgent orders.

Point 4

Super low-price!

All manufacturing processes are carried out in our own factory and by our own employees, so we are able to offer extremely low prices without any intermediate margins.

About Up-T's Quality Standards

Up-T's standards for custom T-shirts printing are global standards.

We have done everything from textiles to printing for clients ranging from top European brands to Japan's largest SPA casual apparel companies, so customers who are concerned about quality can rest assured that they are in good hands.

First company in the original printing industry to acquire ISO 9001 certification

Marui Orimono is the first custom T-shirts printing company to obtain ISO 9001 certification for its quality management system and ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system. We are also implementing the PDCA cycle with a management system that emphasizes continuous quality control and consideration for the human body and the environment. The company has also received the TPM Excellence Award-the highest technical award.



PDCA cycle
