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Custom T-shirts user survey vol.03

Do you have experience making Custom T-shirts for cultural festivals?

The most exciting school events are sports festivals and cultural festivals. Especially, many people put a lot of effort into cultural festivals, as they are very exciting events not only in high schools but also in universities. If you wear an custom T-shirts at such festivals, you can expect a sense of unity and excitement. We asked 100 people in a survey if they have ever made an custom T-shirts for their class or circle during the festival.

Survey Implementation Overview

  • ■Survey area: Nationwide
  • ■Survey targets: Any age, male or female
  • ■Survey Period: December 15, 2015 to December 29, 2015
  • ■Valid responses: 100 samples

Questionnaire Results

The most common answers were...

Custom T-shirts are a very effective way to create memories!

Sixty-seven people in the survey had experience creating T-shirts.

  • We were able to unite by wearing the same shirt with the class name and letters. (20s / Female / Part-time job)
  • At the time, I made a T-shirt for my alma mater, but now it has become a precious treasure that reminds me of my school days. (30s / male / office worker)
  • I once made it as my last memory in junior high and high school. It was a good memory. (30s / Female / Part-time job)
  • Many times, I had fun coming up with designs for T-shirts. I also made blousons and sweatshirts. (40s / Female / Housewife)
  • It is 16 years old, but I still wear it. It's tired but I'm still attached to it (30's / Female / Part-timer)

Those who have made T-shirts say that the effect is to unite people and to make the event more enjoyable and memorable. Custom T-shirts are a very effective item for making a cultural festival even more exciting. It is also important to note that even as adults, we can still remember the event fondly. It will be a good memory when you look back on it after a while, and you will be very attached to what you have made. It can be said that it is fun not only once but also multiple times, and that it is a fun experience that never gets old.

Many who say they didn't make it wish they had

Thirty-three respondents had never made it.

  • Other classes made Custom T-shirts, but I have no such experience. (30s / Female / Unemployed)
  • I never made Custom T-shirts, I didn't have the budget. I wore the same color hachimaki instead. (30s / Female / Liberal trade, freelance)
  • I have never done such a thing at a cultural festival before. I would like to do it when I am reborn. (20's / Male / Unemployed) ・I have never made a T-shirt, so I don't have separate memories of that kind of thing. I wanted to make one. (40's / female / unemployed)
  • I don't have that memory because I have never made one for a cultural festival, but I did have a coffee shop, so I think it would have been nice to make matching ones for serving customers. (60s / male / unemployed)

There were those who could not make it due to lack of budget, those who did not have the opportunity to make it, etc., but it emerged that most of them wished they could have tried it on or made it themselves. Some people saw other classes coming to the event and, in retrospect, wished they had done it. It can be said that the scene of wearing Custom T-shirts looks like fun from the outside. As adults, we may not have many opportunities to enjoy making Custom T-shirts.

Custom T-shirts are a great way to remember and commemorate your time as a student.

The tendency of each answer is that those who made Custom T-shirts are very satisfied with their experience and look back on it as a memory to deepen their feelings about it. On the other hand, those who did not make the Custom T-shirts seemed to be left with a certain regret, such as wishing they had made them, or feeling that they looked like they were having fun when others were there. Furthermore, even after the event is over, they can be used as loungewear, etc., and they are also very cost-effective as they will remain as a form of memory. As adults, it is difficult to have the same kind of experiences and excitement as when we were students. Custom T-shirts are a great way to create memories of the student years, which last only a short time in one's life.

Other Responses

Have you ever created an custom T-shirts for a cultural festival?


  • I made T-shirts with everyone's portraits on them at the last cultural festival of high school. It remains as a memento. (20's / male / part-timer)
  • The Custom T-shirts that I made with my friends as a university student are still our treasures. (40s / female / freelance)
  • I made a hoodie that imitated a certain Johnny's logo that was popular at the time (20s / female / housewife)
  • It was my senior year of high school, and I was watching from the outfield as they practiced the play late into the night. (20's / Male / Student)
  • I have memories of making matching T-shirts for my high school class and having a bake sale. (60's / female / housewife)
  • At a high school festival, we made T-shirts with a picture of each person's face printed on it, and everyone put a handwritten message on the back. (20's / female / office worker)
  • We made Custom T-shirts as a class during the festival. Wearing the same T-shirt together strengthened our unity and made the festival more exciting. (20's / female / student)
  • As a result of making matching ones for the gymnastic festival, we were able to win the championship because we were more united. (20s / female / company employee)
  • I have memories of deciding on colors and designs together and making class T-shirts, which we then wore to a bake sale at a cultural festival. (60s / female / housewife)
  • We bought plain white shirts and made our own illustrations. (20's / Female / Contract worker)
  • I came up with my own design and solicited everyone's opinions. On top of that, I went through a lot of trial and error. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • I wanted to use Disney characters because I like them, but I remember we all worked hard to come up with illustrations that were as close to Disney characters as possible because of copyrights. (20's / female / part-timer)
  • I had a favorite person in my hobby, made a T-shirt with a T-shirt production kit that can be printed on a computer, wore it, and showed it to my friends. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I remember how much fun it was to think about the design and colors. (20s / female / student)
  • I remember that my friends and I stayed up late coming up with various ideas. We had different opinions and argued a lot, but I still remember the excitement we felt when the final product was completed. (40s / male / other professional)
  • I once dyed an old gym uniform two ways, red and green, to use in a cheer competition. Incidentally, I hung them out the classroom window, so the teacher got mad at me. (50s / female / freelance/free trade)
  • Black was the most popular color, and I remember fighting over the color with the upperclassmen. I still keep it because it feels special. (20s / female / student)
  • I made this for a high school festival. The design stood out and was very effective in attracting visitors. (50s / female / housewife)
  • Since it was an all-girls high school, I made some pretty fancy T-shirts and wore them with the whole class (30's / female / housewife)
  • At that time, I made a T-shirt of my alma mater to get a response, but now it has become a precious treasure that reminds me of my school days. (40s / male / company employee
  • The design was created based on class memories and everyone's opinions. We each voted for the design we thought was best before incorporating our opinions. (Teenager / Female / Student)
  • It's quite memorable and fun. Japanese people like to be the same with everyone (30's / female / housewife)
  • The whole class came up with design ideas, and we had a lot of arguments over which design to choose, but it was a tough time. (10s / male / freelance)
  • I put the class motto on it. It was a polo shirt, so I used it as home wear afterwards. (20s / female / office worker)
  • We had a takoyaki shop in class, and I remember that we decided to make interesting T-shirts with takoyaki designs because we were so excited about it, and we came up with something unique. (30s / female / office worker)
  • When we had a bake sale, I ironed on Custom T-shirts for the people who played store clerks. I remember that there was a bit of a struggle until the design was decided. (30's / Female / freelance)
  • It is 16 years old, but I still wear it. It's tired but I'm still attached to it (30's / Female / Part-timer)
  • We came to the conclusion that we should make it with the whole class. I have memories of discussing and deciding together. (20s / male / student)
  • The open-ended design with the words "What's wrong with wearing a dorky T-shirt" printed on it was interesting (20s / male / office worker).
  • I made Custom T-shirts with a printer for everyone living in my high school who wanted to have a booth at the festival. (30's / Female / Part-time job)
  • It was a lot of work because it was a design that I came up with myself, but it was worth it because I thought it over for two days (20s / female / housewife).
  • It was a standard practice to make and wear Custom T-shirts in college and at food stalls. I still have it. (30's / male / part-timer)
  • Many people recommended this kind of design to me, and I was confused. (10s / female / unemployed)
  • I remember making a united cheering T-shirt with the names of the whole class on it. I still use it as loungewear (20s / female / student)
  • I have never made an custom T-shirts for a cultural festival, but I am interested in doing so. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I have a memory of having a large design on the back with the class logo and "Unity! I have a memory of having a large design on the back with the class logo (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor)).
  • I remember making a T-shirt for my class with a design that looked like a parody of Glico's pose, with the homeroom teacher's name instead of "Glico" on the chest. (30s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • When I was in high school, I wore the same T-shirt to unite the class, but I remember that it was not well received by the others. (30's / Male / Contract worker)
  • It was the heyday of the Beatles, so I made a T-shirt with "Beatles" written in English. (60s / male / unemployed)
  • When I was in high school, I made this for an inter-class athletic meet. I put in the names of everyone in the class as nicknames. It was an event held right after we switched classes, so it was an opportunity for everyone in the class to call each other by their nicknames, and we all became friends at once. (20's / female / housewife)
  • It was a long time ago, but I have made T-shirts when I was a student. After all, T-shirts with the same design enhances the power of unity. (40s / male / freelance)
  • I don't have a particular reason, but somehow I thought it would be the best (20s / male / student)
  • It was hard to decide on a design, but it was fun because I was able to create something good. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • The class completed a T-shirt that included a portion of each class member's design after trial and error and selection of design ideas by the entire class (20s / male / company employee).
  • I still cannot forget the memory of making matching Custom T-shirts with my classmates and enjoying the cultural festival where we had a coffee shop. (20s / male / student
  • I made them as a commemoration for such events every year in junior high school, high school, and college. (20's / male / student)
  • The same eve-teachers made T-shirts and wore them; the T-shirts made the event very memorable. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • It was difficult to reach a consensus, and we struggled until it was finished. In the end, the decision was made by majority vote. But when we all put our sleeves on, we immediately took a commemorative photo! (30s / male / unemployed)
  • I silk-screened the word "Festival" on them to make them matching. The school prohibited colored T-shirts, but some children wanted to use colors, and the teacher warned me about it, but she forgave me when I told her that they were handmade to match. (30's / female / housewife)
  • Since the entire class wore them, I think it created a sense of unity. However, after the festival, I was at a loss as to how to dispose of them. (20s / female / office worker)
  • Many times, I had fun coming up with designs for T-shirts. I also made blousons and sweatshirts. (40's / female / housewife)
  • I once made it as my last memory in junior high and high school. It was a good memory. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • I made it when I was in the student council and wore it for our activities. I think we were able to unite as one. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I made matching T-shirts for my entire class at the cultural festival my sophomore and junior year in high school. (20's / Female / Company employee)
  • As a result of taking everyone's opinions into account, we ended up with a design that I don't know what it is. (20s / female / housewife)
  • I made it in a circle, but after I left the group, it became a bad memory and I didn't even want to look at it, so it went to the dustbin. (20s / female / student)
  • I was going to have a coffee shop at a high school festival, so I made one with an original design (30's / female / housewife)
  • I miss the days when we all discussed our opinions about what kind of design we should make. (40s / female / part-timer)
  • I think I made one once when I was in high school, but I threw it away because the fabric was low-price and the design was not cool (40s / male / part-timer)
  • I think I used to put my grade, class, and some other cold letters on itI used to make Custom T-shirts every year in my circle. I was happy to make them at that time, but now I wear them as loungewear. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I used to make Custom T-shirts every year in my circle. I was happy to make them at that time, but now I wear them as loungewear. (30's / male / office worker)
  • Instead of thinking of a design during a one-hour period, we had blackboards in the classroom, so during the assigned day, we would freely fill in the blackboards, even anonymously, and the design was decided by majority vote during the HR meeting. I remember that even my classmates, who were usually so reserved, secretly drew pictures in secret, and the unity of the class was strengthened. (20's/Female/Part-time job)
  • We created them in class. It was fun to try and come up with different ideas. The T-shirts we made were our own original ones, and we became very attached to them. (40s / Female / Contracted worker)
  • We were able to unite by having everyone wear the same shirt with the class name and letters. (20's / Female / Part-time job)
  • The whole class made matching T-shirts. It is a nostalgic memory. (50s / male / public employee)
  • I made a T hoodie, so the silhouette became sloppy and unpopular. (40s / male / office worker)
  • The design was appropriate and it was low-price. Now it is a good memory. (40s / male / office worker)


  • I have never made an custom T-shirts for a cultural festival, so I have no memories of it. (40's / Male / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • We have never made Custom T-shirts for a cultural festival. There was no talk of making Custom T-shirts. (30's / male / office worker)
  • We did not make Custom T-shirts at the festival. I had no such idea. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • I have never created an custom T-shirts. I have never seen a scene of Custom T-shirts being made at the school I attended. (20's / Male / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • I think it is too cold to create them for the festival. It is better to make it on a regular basis. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I don't have that memory because I have never made one for a cultural festival, but I did have a coffee shop, so I think it would have been nice to make matching ones for serving customers. (60s / male / unemployed)
  • The design was decided by the committee members and people who are good at design, which was awesome. I was just impressed. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Because I didn't need it. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (30's / male / company employee)
  • We talked about making it, but in the end we didn't make it, so I don't have any memories of it. (20's / female / housewife)
  • In my time, PCs were not widely used, so self-made T-shirts were the flower of high rank (40s / male / part-time job).
  • Some people wore Custom T-shirts because of the other classes' presentations. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I have never experienced a project to make Custom T-shirts for a cultural festival. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • The cultural festival at my high school was not very organized, and I never thought of making Custom T-shirts, so I never made any. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • I don't think I ever made an custom T-shirts for a cultural festival. (50s / male / company employee)
  • I have never made a T-shirt before, so I don't have those memories separately. I wanted to make it. (40s / female / unemployed)
  • I once made a hoodie. It was pretty good and was navy blue, so it lasted a long time. (40's / Female / Other professional)
  • I have never made an custom T-shirts for a cultural festival, so I have no memories of it. (30's / male / office worker)
  • There was talk of making one, but in the end it was rejected because there would be no use for it after the festival was over. As a result, I think it was a good idea. (40s / female / part-timer)
  • I don't know, as I have never made one. However, I made a T-shirt as a gift for a farewell party. (40's / male / part-timer)
  • I did not make an custom T-shirts for the festival because it was a coffee shop costume. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • We did dashi-mono for each class, but we didn't make T-shirts in particular. (40s / female / office worker)
  • I don't have any particular memories, and since I haven't made any, I can't say anything about it (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • Other classes made Custom T-shirts, but I have no such experience. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • I never made Custom T-shirts, I didn't have the budget. I wore the same color hachimaki instead. (30's / Female / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • The production was not for a cultural festival, but for a sports festival. So it was not a cultural festival. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • Although it was not for a cultural festival, I once made one for a sports festival. We all thought of a design together, and I still have the T-shirt with the names of the whole class written on the back as a keepsake. (30's / female / office worker)
  • I have only made them in club activities, but it would be fun to make them at a cultural festival. (30's / male / contract dispatched worker)
  • There was no opportunity or appearance to create Custom T-shirts for the cultural festival. (20's/Female/Part-time job)
  • We made Custom T-shirts for the sports festival instead of the cultural festival. It was very cool with the team's color T-shirt and the design in black ink. I still keep it as a souvenir. (50s / female / freelance)
  • I have no memories of participating in the high school cultural festival itself because it was right around the time of the prefectural soccer qualifying rounds. (40s / male / office worker)
  • The class worked as one for the festival, but we never got around to making Custom T-shirts. (30s / male / company employee)
  • I have never done such a thing at a cultural festival before. I would like to do it when I am reborn.
  • It is contradictory to ask me to tell you my memories of that time when I have never created it. (30's / male / unemployed)
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