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Custom T-shirts User Survey vol.04

It's not easy! Why worry about designing an custom T-shirts?

Have you ever had the experience of making Custom T-shirts for a school festival or sports festival for your class or circle during your school days and wearing them together? For those who make Custom T-shirts for such occasions, there are many things to worry about, such as the design, since everyone wears them together, right? So, we conducted a survey to find out what people consider when deciding on the design of their Custom T-shirts.

Survey Implementation Overview

  • ■Survey area: Nationwide
  • ■Survey targets: Any age, male or female
  • ■Survey Period: December 15, 2015 to December 29, 2015
  • ■Valid responses: 100 samples

Questionnaire results

The most common responses were...

Make a lot, not just one! Is it fair to say that price is a concern?

The survey results showed that price was the most common result.

  • If it is expensive, I would rather buy it than make it, so if possible, I would like something inexpensive and made of good fabric. (20s / Female / Other professional)
  • If it's just a T-shirt, lower-price is more convenient and it doesn't have to last that long. (40s / Female / Other professional)
  • When making Custom T-shirts, the price is important because it is often a large group. (20's / Female / Housewife)
  • If I wanted a very complicated design, would the price be higher or the same (40s / Male / Part-time job)

Perhaps because they are often made by large groups of people, price seems to be a concern, and it is no wonder that people say it is better to buy them because if they are not inexpensive, they will cost a considerable amount of money. Also, T-shirts may have an image of being inexpensive to begin with. It is natural to be concerned about the price, since the price of complicated designs may vary depending on the store.

Color changes your image! Choosing colors that make sense for men and women...

The survey results showed that there were two tied for second place, one of which was tints.

  • I think it is necessary to be careful not to create an imbalance between the color of the clothes, the color of the design, and the color of the text. (20s / Male / Student)
  • I think color selection is important because a little bit of color makes the atmosphere of the design look different. (20s / Female / Company employee)
  • When I make T-shirts for co-ed classes, boys and girls don't have the same color preferences. (50s / Female / Housewife)

It is evident that there are a surprisingly large number of areas where color is used, such as the color of clothing, design, and text. The difference in coloring can change the overall atmosphere, so it is an important factor. Also, because of the large number of people, it is easy for men and women to have different tastes, and it seems that they try to avoid using colors that are offensive to each other, especially when they are young students.

Where should I put it? And stick to your shoulders and arms!

The results of the survey showed a tie for second place in terms of where to put the design.

  • Because the finished product will look completely different depending on where you put it in. (20's / Female / Part-time job)
  • I'm wondering where to put it, in the front or in the back, in the middle or on the edge. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • In the past, it was standard to put it in the center of the body, but nowadays it is possible to put it only on the back or even on the shoulders. If I go to the trouble of making one, I want to be particular about where I put it. (30s / Female / freelance)

It is no wonder that people have a hard time deciding where to place the design, as it can make a big difference in the way it looks. The main design is determined by whether it is in the front or in the back, and in the case of a small one-pointed design, whether it is on the shoulder or on the arm, etc. It seems to be a difficult task that requires a good sense of whether it should stand out or not.

Fancy or simple? More importantly, it's about being memorable and original!

The survey results showed that the pattern received the fewest number of votes, although it was very close.

  • A too detailed design would be too cluttered, so I prefer something simple and original. (50s / Female / freelance)
  • I want it to be something that everyone can see is original. I want something a little flashy and prominent. (30s / male / office worker)
  • I want to carefully consider the pattern because I think it will be a keepsake, and I want a pattern that is easy to use at home (30s / Female / Housewife)

As for the pattern, the respondents' preferences are simple or flashy, indicating that it is difficult to choose a pattern that they like. However, they all agree that the pattern should be recognizable as an original, and if it can be made to look original, it will be a good commemorative gift, and they may like it.

The only one in the world! That alone is well worth it.

Many of the respondents were of the opinion that the most important part of the custom T-shirts design was the price, due to the particulars and the large number of shirts. Other factors such as the color, the place to put the design, and the pattern were not so different as the number of votes, and all of them seem to be important factors. Since Custom T-shirts are worn by everyone and are unique in the world, deciding on a design can be a difficult and worrisome process. However, since it will be a commemorative item, if you can incorporate something that will be relevant to everyone who will wear it, it may be worthwhile, convey your feelings, and make it easier for people to like it.

Other questions and answers

What are your concerns when deciding on an custom T-shirts design?


  • Because no matter how original it is, if it is childish, I don't think I would want it. Design is not everything, but it is still important because human beings are creatures influenced by appearances. (20s / male / freelance)
  • I would like to create something fancy, so I think the pattern is still a concern. (20's / Female / Contract worker)
  • Because it is something everyone will wear, so I want it to be a design that everyone will like. (30's / male / company employee)
  • Does it match the color of the T-shirt to be worn? Is the pattern suitable for the person who will wear it? (10s / female / student)
  • I think T-shirt patterns are the most memorable. I like things that are easy to match with other clothes and are fashionable. (40s / female / housewife)
  • When deciding on the design of an custom T-shirts, what I am concerned about is the pattern, so it is the pattern. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I want to carefully consider the pattern because I think it will be a keepsake. I want a pattern that is easy to use at home (30s / female / housewife)
  • Even if the colors and the place to put the design are good, if the pattern is tacky, it's no good. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I am especially worried about the size. I like large patterns for both the back and the front, so I always worry about the adjustment.
  • I guess it is a matter of taste, but I was concerned about whether I could think of a pattern that would make people want to wear it. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • I prefer something simple and original, because a too detailed design is too cluttered. (50's / Female / freelance)
  • I am interested in all of the items listed here, but especially because I think one pattern seems to decide everything. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I want it to be something that everyone can see is original. I want something a little flashy and prominent. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I think it's the pattern, and I think it's also important that it fits the TPO. Next is the price. (40's / Male / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • I love T-shirts, so I want to wear T-shirts that I designed myself to show off what I like. (20's / Female / Contract worker)
  • I hope it is a pattern that can be worn in everyday life. It is better if it looks fashionable. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • There is a possibility that it will be covered with others if it is a place to put colors or designs, and since it is an custom T-shirts, I want to make something unique that no one else will have. (20s / male / student)
  • I think the pattern is important because it is simple. I will not wear T-shirts in particular unless I like the pattern. (30's / female / office worker)
  • I think it depends on the TPO of making the original shirt, but from my experience, if the pattern is not satisfactory to everyone who will wear it, it will cause trouble later on over trivial things, so I hope you will have a thorough discussion about it. (20's/Female/Part-time job)


  • When I make T-shirts for co-ed classes, boys and girls don't like the same colors. (60's / female / housewife)
  • I think it is important that the overall color is not too dull and that it can be worn personally after the event is over. (20's / Female / Company employee)
  • It is the color, after all. If the design is too good, it can be used for daily wear. (20s / male / student)
  • I often think about the design while making it without worrying too much. There are failures, though (30's / female / housewife)
  • In many cases, the color is different when I see the finished product after ordering (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • When deciding on a design for an custom T-shirts, I think the most important thing to consider is the color, as well as the pattern. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • I'm happy if there are many shades of colors, because we can make it more like our image. (20's / Female / Housewife)
  • Once, I was very disappointed because the actual color was very different from the color in the color sample, so I am concerned about the color. (40's/Female/Housewife)
  • If everyone wears the same T-shirt, it has to be a color that everyone agrees on or they won't wear it (40s / female / unemployed)
  • When I make them for a circle, I try to decide on colors that are close to the image of the circle. (40's / female / company employee)
  • I think there are colors that I like and colors that the recipient prefers, and if the overall design and colors don't match, I don't think anyone will like it. (40s / male / part-timer)
  • I would like to make samples of several colors because it is easy to get lost in deciding on a color. (30's / male / contract dispatched worker)
  • Custom T-shirts have a message and will be worn by the team, so there is concern about fading. (40s / Female / Part-time job)
  • I am concerned about the coloring or the actual appearance. (40s / female / office worker)
  • Because I think the image of the design will change depending on the shade of the base T-shirt. (20's / female / student)
  • What about shocking pink or anything too conspicuous? (40s / female / office worker)
  • No matter how good the design is, it will be ruined if the color is tacky, so I want to be careful about the color.
  • I wanted to wear a color that I wouldn't be embarrassed to wear for both men and women and that wouldn't be tacky (20s / female / housewife)
  • Color is important, so I want to make sure that the overall look is well-balanced and stylish. (20's / Female / Student)
  • A little bit of color makes the design look different, so I think color selection is important. (20's / female / office worker)
  • I think it is necessary to be careful not to create an imbalance between the color of the clothes, the color of the design, and the color of the text. (20s / male / student)
  • Even if I thought the color was good at the time, I will have fewer opportunities to wear it if the color is the one I choose for the bottom. (40s / female / part-timer)
  • If it's a one-of-a-kind piece, it's the shades. Thinking about complementary colors (like red and green), I think a white backdrop would show the design and colors better than a raw one. If you use a black T as a background, the overall impression will be tighter, but I think it is difficult because of the restrictions on the balance with the color. (50s / male / part-timer)

【Where to put your design】

  • The look of the finished product varies considerably depending on where the design is placed. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • I like to put the design in one spot on the left breast. I like simple designs best. (30's / female / housewife)
  • In order to make a design that will never get old, you need to be particular about where you put the design. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • Some people want to put it in the front, while others prefer the back, making it a difficult place to decide. (40s / male / company employee)
  • I don't have a particular reason, but somehow I thought it would be the best (20s / male / student)
  • I am very particular about location. I don't like it if it's too ordinary. I often think about this (30's / female / housewife)
  • I think it is important to have a place to put the design because it is a place where each person's individuality comes out (20s / male / student)
  • If you don't think about how it looks when you wear it and move your body, the impression may change upon completion. (50's / female / housewife)
  • In the past, it was standard to put it in the center of the body, but nowadays it is possible to put it only on the back or even on the shoulders. If I go to the trouble of making it, I want to be particular about the location. (30's / female / freelance)
  • It is difficult to get an image because I don't actually have a T-shirt. (30's / male / company employee)
  • It is good to create a design, but still the key is whether the pattern is right. (30's / male / office worker)
  • When making Custom T-shirts, there have been some restrictions, so I thought it would be better if there were no restrictions. (30's / male / part-timer)
  • The location is important because I want to make a design that I like since I am going to make it. (30's / female / company employee)
  • I would be careful about the placement of pictures and diagrams, because I think that the image I have in my head and the actual finished product may differ slightly. (20s / female / public employee)
  • I'm wondering where to put it, in the front or in the back, in the middle or at the edge. (30's / female / office worker)
  • I think it is important because the impression will be quite different depending on where the design is placed. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • Even if the design looks cool on a flat surface, when it comes time to wear it, the fabric may stretch and become delicate, so I think it is necessary to carefully examine where to put the design. (30's / female / freelance/ freelance)
  • The impression of the T-shirt varies depending on the location and size of the design. (30's / male / office worker)
  • Because the finished product will look completely different depending on where it is placed. (20's / female / part-timer)
  • If I am going to make something, I want to make a subtle appeal for originality. (50's / Female / freelance)
  • I guess that would be the place to put the design. I'm also quite concerned about the price. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • It depends on the location. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (30's / male / company employee)
  • I think the overall balance is important. If you make a mistake, you can get something with an unusual meaning.


  • Because I have to ask a contractor to do the work, I may need to pay a special fee in case I am in a hurry, etc., and I will need to confirm the details. (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • If it's just a T-shirt, lower-price is more convenient and it doesn't have to last that long. (40's / Female / Other professional)
  • Patterns and designs will not stand out if they are included in an attempt to create an original product, so the emphasis is on price. (30's / male / company employee)
  • It is better to set the price at a level that everyone is willing to pay, so I can design without worrying about the price. (20's / female / housewife)
  • When deciding on an custom T-shirts design, I am concerned about the price. I want to keep the price as low as possible.
  • The price varies considerably depending on the vendor and the number of orders, so I think we should compare well before making a decision. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • If the price is too high, I usually think something else would be better as a memory. (20s / female / student)
  • If I were to design my own T-shirts, it would be difficult to do so unless the price is reasonably low. (30's / Male / Contract worker)
  • I order a lot, so I would be happier if there is a discount for bulk orders. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • If you make a product at a low price and sell a lot at a low price for doujinshi activities, you can make a profit from it (20s / female / student)
  • When deciding on an custom T-shirts design, price is the main concern. (50s / male / company employee)
  • We don't want to go significantly over budget. It is important to stay within the budget. (40's / Female / Contract worker)
  • I am very concerned about the price, as it varies quite a bit from vendor to vendor. (20's / Female / Student)
  • Because it is purchased by a large number of people and the lower-price price is more pleasing to them because they do not have different opinions. (40s / male / company employee)
  • I am still concerned about price, so cost-effective places are a consideration. There are many times when I want to get the job done as inexpensively as possible. (30's / female / company employee)
  • If I wanted a very complicated design, would the price be higher or the same (40s / male / part time job)?
  • If it is expensive, I would rather buy it than make it, so if possible, I would prefer something inexpensive and made of good fabric. (30's / Female / Other professional)
  • If the price is too high, I don't want to make it at all, even though it is quite inexpensive.
  • Since it is something that everyone pays for together, I would like something as inexpensive as possible considering the burden. (20's / male / office worker)
  • First and foremost, price is an issue, and I think many of the later things will depend on the price. (60s / male / unemployed)
  • I don't care which vendor you use as long as you make it to my liking, so price is important to me. (10s / female / unemployed)
  • Because I want as many people as possible to buy it, so I want to make it as low-price as possible. (20's / Female / Company employee)
  • Design and color may be important, but it is the price that is of concern. (20s / female / unemployed)
  • Custom T-shirts are made in large quantities, so I am very concerned about the final price. (20s / male / student)
  • Because some people may not be able to make it if the price is too high, since everyone will be involved in the production. Because we want to make it together. (50s / male / public employee)
  • I look for a place that uses good fabrics at the lowest price possible, because low-price fabrics may be weak. (20's / female / office worker)
  • When I make Custom T-shirts, I often make T-shirts for everyone to use, so the number of T-shirts I make is large, and I want to reduce expenses as much as possible. (30's / female / company employee)
  • No matter how good the design is, we cannot buy it unless the price is suitable for us. (20s / male / student)
  • When making Custom T-shirts, the price is important because there is often a large group of people. (20's / Female / Housewife)
  • I want to make it as inexpensively as possible, and I have looked for a vendor who can do it inexpensively before. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • It is because it is difficult to reconcile the opinions of those who want to keep prices low anyway and those who want to spend money to make good products. (60s / female / housewife)
  • The price of letters is relatively easy to understand, but I was quite concerned about the price for illustrations, etc., and I decided whether or not to have illustrations depending on the price. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I would like to mass-produce the product, so if the price is too high, it will be over my budget. (30's / female / unemployed)


  • I think fabric samples are important because I don't want the fabric to be different from what I imagined (30's / female / housewife)
  • I think you should still pay some attention to the actual material of the T-shirt (30's / Female / Company employee)
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