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Custom T-shirts user survey vol.05

If you were to make an custom T-shirts, where would you apply the design?

When you want to enhance the sense of unity at a school or company event, you often make Custom T-shirts for each organizational unit. If you are going to make a T-shirt, you want to be particular about the design so that everyone will want to wear it. However, even if you make a mark or logo, where you put it will make a completely different impression. So, what part of the T-shirt should be designed to make a good looking T-shirt? We asked 100 people in a survey where to put their designs.

Survey Implementation Summary

  • ■Survey area: Nationwide
  • ■Survey targets: Any age, male or female
  • ■Survey Period: December 15, 2015 to December 29, 2015
  • ■Valid responses: 100 samples

Questionnaire Results

The most common answers were...

I want to stand out with a big design on the front!

The most common response in the survey was large on the front, with 41 votes.

  • If we make it small, it will not stand out. We still want to put the design in a prominent place, so we want to put it large on the front. (20s / Male / Student)
  • If we are going to go to the trouble of making something, we want to push our originality to the forefront. (20's / Female / Part-time job)
  • It depends on the occasion when the custom T-shirts is worn, but for cultural festivals, I think it is better to stand out anyway. (30s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I think that having a large pattern on the front is the best part of T-shirts. If it is halfway big, I would rather have a solid color (40s / Male / Part-time job)

The reasons given for putting it on the front are that it stands out, is easy to understand, and appeals to a sense of originality. It seems that there is a certain desire to show off the fact that the product is original so that it can be seen from the outside. Also, the large size of the product may give it a greater impact and lift the spirits.

Simple and stylish one-pointedness is also popular.

The second highest number of votes was for a single point on the chest, with 25 votes.

  • I think that a small one-pointed design is simpler and cooler (20's / Male / Part-time job)
  • One-point design on the chest is fashionable and cool, so I want to put it in. (30s / male / office worker)
  • I want something plain or inconspicuous so that I can wear it on a daily basis. (40s / Female / Company employee)

This one stands out because of its simple design, which is fashionable and good-looking. If the design is too flashy, it may be a little embarrassing. Cool and simple designs may be more effective in creating a sense of unity among the team rather than making a big impact. There was also the economical opinion that they can be worn outside of the event. If they can be used for a long time, the memories will last a long time.

More impact by carrying the design on your back!

The third most common was the back, with 24 votes.

  • I want the design to stand out prominently and be large, so that there will be a sense of unity in the class, etc. (20s / Female / Housewife)
  • I think it would make a subtle impact if I put it in a large back print. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • I want it to stand out as much as possible, but with breasts, it stretches and doesn't look pretty. (20s / Female / Housewife)
  • I want to put cool words on it. Because it is cool to have the letters on my back. (20s / Female / Company employee)

The most common answer was that putting a large logo on the back would have a big impact. It also means "to carry on one's back," and some people may feel a sense of solidarity that they are wearing it together with everyone else. Another opinion unique to women is that they prefer the back because the design on the front would be broken up by the shape of the chest. It seems that those who are more concerned about the design prefer the back.

Subtle appeal with a single point on the waist or arm

The fourth response was arms and hips, with five votes each.

  • I think it's interesting when it's in an unusual place. It's fashionable (30's / Female / Housewife)
  • I think the arms are very cool. I think it's cool and it's a design that doesn't exist very often (30's / Female / Housewife)
  • I don't like anything too flashy or with too many patterns, and I thought it would be cute to have a little something in the back. (20s / Female / Part-timer)
  • It is embarrassing to put a large design on the front, so I would like to put it casually around the waist (20s / Female / Office Worker)

Many people who raised their arms and hips feel that it is cool and fashionable to have them in a casual location. Some thought it would lead to differentiation from others, and perhaps enhance the sense of unity that they are the only ones. Others are embarrassed to have a large design on the front. Depending on their clothing preferences, some people may want to avoid designs that have an impact on the entire surface or the back of the garment.

The emphasis is on originality to create a sense of teamwork.

The survey shows that many people have the impression that the front and back of the team's uniforms have a strong impact, and that one-point designs on the chest, arms, and waist are fashionable. However, it seems that the underlying desire is to create a sense of unity and excitement for the team, and to differentiate the team from other teams. Whether to put large letters or pictures on the team logo to make it easy to recognize the team, or to use a single point of reference to subtly attract people's attention is a matter of taste, but it seems that people want a design that is different from others and has a sense of originality that is unique to them. If there is an innovative design that is not limited to the areas mentioned here, there may be people who would prefer that.

Other Responses

What part of your custom T-shirts design would you like to include?

【Big on the front】

  • If it is an custom T-shirts, I still think it should be something that has an impact, even if it is big and eccentric. (20s / female / student)
  • I would rather have a large design in the front than at the edge because it looks better. (10s / female / unemployed)
  • To emphasize the originality of the product. Also, I thought it would be better to make it stand out if I went to the trouble of making it. (20's / male / student)
  • Since it is an original, I want it to be printed in a large, prominent place. (20s / female / student)
  • Since we are making our own original design, we would like to make a big, assertive design in the front. (30's / Female / freelance)
  • I think having a large pattern on the front is the best part of T-shirts. If it is halfway big, I would rather have a solid color (40s / male / part-timer)
  • Because I can see the design of the T-shirt through a mirror, etc. and enjoy it. (50s / female / housewife)
  • I think I'd like it to be prominently displayed on the front anyway. I don't mind if it is on the back (30's / male / freelance)
  • I have made a large photo of myself in front of it, since it was so special. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • I thought that the front or the back of the T-shirt would be the most visible part of the design. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • My first impression of a T-shirt is that it has a fancy pattern on the front. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Since it is an original product, I feel it would be a waste if it is not prominently and prominently displayed in a large size. (20s / female / part-time job)
  • I want the design to have an impact on the rear view, with nothing in the front view. (40s / female / company employee)
  • Because I think it looks best to have it printed large on the front. Because it has the greatest impact at a quick glance. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • If I go to the trouble of making something original, I want to make something that is truly original. (40s / male / freelance)
  • If we go to the trouble of making it, we want to push our own originality to the fullest. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • Because it is a T-shirt and I think it is better to stand out from a distance. (60's / female / housewife)
  • I want to make a shirt of a type that is easy to see and understand, so I want it to be large on the front. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • I feel like it would be a waste to have just one point, so I want a prominent place. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • Because I think a simple design with a large one-point on the front is the best. (20s / female / student)
  • If I am going to make an custom T-shirts, I want it to be large and prominent on the front. If it's small, it will be a common design. (40s / male / company employee)
  • It is better to put it in the front because I can check it myself, and if it should fail, I can hide it (30's / female / company employee)
  • I think it is most noticeable and looks good to put it in large letters on the front. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think it should be easy to understand and stand out from a distance, so I would like to have a large design on the front. (60s / female / housewife)
  • If we make it small, it will not stand out. I still want to put the design in a prominent place, so I want it to be large on the front. (20s / male / student)
  • It depends on which material (photo, illustration, etc.) is used, but if it is placed on the back, if it comes under the shirt, I think people will notice it when they take off their jackets. I feel that a one-pointed design does not make the most of the material, so if you want to show off the material, I think it is better to put it on the front in a large size. (50s / male / part-timer)
  • Front and back, but if it's one or the other, it's the front. You can have the person you are facing look at it and talk about it. (60's / male / unemployed)
  • It depends on the occasion when the custom T-shirts is worn, but for cultural festivals, I think it is better to stand out anyway. (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I think it would be better to stand out since we are here...(40's / Female / Company employee)
  • I think it will be used at many events, so I want to put it prominently in the front as much as possible. (30's / female / housewife)
  • I don't think it is very noticeable on one part of the body, so I like it here because it stands out well when it is large on the front. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • If it were a single point on my chest, it would be less noticeable, and if it were on my back, I would not be able to see myself, so I would like to put it in a large area on the front. (50s / female / freelance)
  • I want to make sure that the design is as prominent and appealing as possible. (30's / Male / Contract worker)
  • I want to put it in a large, easy-to-see, frontal area to give it a sense of originality. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • If it is actually enlarged all over, it is very noticeable. If it is a single point on the chest, it is often hidden by hair and other things (20s / female / student)
  • I'd like to put a big bang on the whole surface anyway. Even if the design is tacky (20s / male / unemployed)
  • Since it is an original, I would like to put it prominently and prominently in large letters on the front. (20s / female / student)
  • Since it is a class or circle T-shirt, it should be printed on the front so that it can be seen even when wearing a jacket. (40s / male / office worker)
  • It is easier to design and understand if the design is on the front, and it is easier to leave an impression. (10s / female / student)
  • It depends on the purpose of making an custom T-shirts, but if it is for a memory, I think it will be more memorable if it is on the front (or back). (It stands out.)(40s / male / part-timer)
  • I think it would be interesting to have something that can be clearly seen from the front. (20's / Female / Contract worker)

【Small design on one's chest】

  • Because one point on the chest will balance the design. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think it is safer to put a little bit in a less conspicuous position because it can be used for anything. (40s / female / part-timer)
  • Because I prefer simple to too big. Because I think one point is fashionable. (30's / Female / Other professional)
  • I think it is better to have one point casually so that I can wear it on a daily basis. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • After all, it is an amateur design, so I think orthodox one-pointed designs are better than those that aim for too much attention. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I use this one because it is simpler and can be used for many other things.
  • It's not bad on the back, but the person wearing it can't see it, so I love to put it on the chest. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I don't have a particular reason, but somehow I thought it would be the best (20s / male / student)
  • Some people don't like to show off a large design, and a single point on the chest is less noticeable (40s / female / unemployed)
  • It's embarrassing because it has to be at least one point or else it will draw attention. (40's / Female / Other professional)
  • I don't want to stand out. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(30s / male / company employee
  • A large frontal design is too assertive, so a single point on the chest is just right for moderation. (30s / male / unemployed)
  • It is the most appealing. But it would also be nice to put it on the back. (50s / female / freelance)
  • I would like to have one point on the chest for the custom T-shirts design. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I want to put a one-point design on my chest because it is fashionable and cool. (30s / male / office worker)
  • Basically, I think the surface of clothes is important, so I think one point on the chest is fashionable. (40s / female / housewife)
  • I think a small one-point is simpler and cooler (30's / male / part-timer)
  • In my case, I would like to keep it simple, so I would like to put it on my chest because I want it to be like a single point on my chest. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • I think it would be cool to have at least one point on the chest. It was nice when I put it all over at the school festival, but it was a little embarrassing when I wore pajamas afterwards. (30's / female / office worker)
  • I like simple designs, so I prefer designs with only one point. (30's / female / housewife)
  • If I casually put it in as one point, I can use it for daily life. (40s / Female / Contract worker)
  • I prefer something plain or inconspicuous so that I can wear it in everyday life. (40s / female / office worker)
  • I would like to put one point on the chest for the custom T-shirts design. (50s / male / office worker)
  • I think everyone has their own taste, but I like simple designs with a single point on the chest. (20s / female / unemployed)
  • I think one point on the chest is good. I don't think it should be too assertive. (30s / male / unemployed)


  • The front is good, but a large design on the back would be good for impact. (20's / female / office worker)
  • If the design is for show, I think it would be more appealing if it is carried on the back. (30's / male / part-timer)
  • It is most fashionable to put them in the back. It also looks the most beautiful when lined up. (50s / male / public employee)
  • I want to design it to stand out prominently and create a sense of unity (20's/female/housewife)
  • Because I think the back is easiest to read when printing text, etc. (20s / male / company employee)
  • I would like to put my custom T-shirts design on the back. It would be embarrassing to put it on the front. (30's / male / company employee)
  • The back is best, then one point on the chest, then the whole surface is next. Nothing else. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think it would make a subtle impact if I put it in a large back print. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • It looks normal from the front, but if there is an original design on the back, it will stand out and I can make a big design. (40's / female / company employee)
  • With a full face, the idea is to stand out. However, if it is on the back, I think it is possible to emphasize the proper idea and purpose. (40s / male / other professional)
  • It looks cooler and easier to see on the back side than on the whole surface (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I would like the design arrangement to be recognizable from behind. I think it is easy to recognize from afar. (20's / male / student)
  • Because it is the most visible, so if you want to design something that appeals to people, I think the back is good. (30's / female / company employee)
  • It is common to see illustrations on the front part, but it is not so common to see them on the back. (20s / female / unemployed)
  • Even if the front is plain, a large or elaborate design on the back makes it look stylish. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I want it to stand out as much as possible, but with breasts, it stretches and doesn't look pretty. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I want to keep the front simple and use the whole back to show off the design. I don't want to use the front because the design will be destroyed by the bulge of the chest, etc. (20s / female / public employee)
  • Because I would like to show off casually on my back when I am walking or sitting. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • I want to put cool words on it. Because it is cool to carry the letters. (20's / Female / Company employee)
  • I feel that having a design on the back gives a better sense of originality and is more fashionable. (30's / female / housewife)
  • I think the front should be simple. It is better to put it in the back to advertise and stand out (30's / female / part-timer)
  • I think it is good that a large design can be inserted in the back, and it can be hidden by putting a top over it. (30's / Male / Contract worker)
  • We want to put the logo as small as possible on the front and back (preferably on the back). I don't want it to stand out. (20's / Female / Company employee)
  • On the front, it is hard to tell depending on the design. It is easier to use a larger design if it is on the back. (50's / female / housewife)


  • I think the arms are very cool. I think it's cool and it's a design that doesn't exist very often (30's / female / housewife)
  • It is usually not very noticeable, but when I see it in some way, I think it looks pretty cool around my arms (rather, shoulders) (40s / male / office worker)
  • It is quite embarrassing if there is a very large one-pointed design on the back or on the upper part of the body, so it should be small and inconspicuous on the arms (40s / male / part-time job)
  • The arms are always out of sight, so it is difficult to think that I will get tired of them. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • I think it's interesting when it's in an unusual place. It's fashionable (30's / female / housewife)


  • I think it's fashionable if I can see a glimpse of the design on the waist when I'm walking. (20's / female / student)
  • It is embarrassing to put a large design on the front, so I would like to put it casually around the waist (20s / Female / Company employee)
  • I don't like anything too flashy or with too many patterns, and I thought it would be cute to have a little bit of it when seen from behind. (20's/Female/Part-time job)
  • The waist and arms look the simplest and best. One large point on the front and one on the chest seems old-fashioned. I like the simplicity of the look. Also, I can use it in everyday life. (30's / female / freelance)
  • If I were to make an custom T-shirts now, I would like to put a little design around my waist. (40's / female / housewife)
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