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Custom T-shirts user survey vol.06

Use your photos to create an custom T-shirts that you'll cherish!

Many people make Custom T-shirts with their club mates or workmates. Wearing T-shirts with the same logo or design may create a sense of unity. Of course, there are also many people who make their own T-shirts. The advantage is that you can enjoy your own favorite design. Custom T-shirts can be used in such a variety of ways, and many people may enjoy using photos in their designs. By using photos, it is likely to be possible to create Custom T-shirts that are more memorable. We asked 100 men and women from all over Japan what kind of photos they would like to use in their custom T-shirts designs.

Survey Implementation Overview

  • ■Survey area: Nationwide
  • ■Survey targets: Any age, male or female
  • ■Survey Period: December 15, 2015 to December 29, 2015
  • ■Valid responses: 100 samples

Questionnaire results

The most common answer was...

I wanna enjoy my own design! The originality of the product is also attractive.

The results of the survey showed that the most common answer was a photo or image designed by the respondents themselves.

  • I want to make T-shirts with my own design. (30s / Female / Company employee)
  • If it was designed by me, it would be my own T-shirt. (50s / Female / freelance)
  • If I designed it, I would be very attached to it and would actively want to come. (30s / Female / Unemployed)

Some of the reasons for choosing their own design were that they wanted to be able to design their own T-shirts, and that they could make their own T-shirts. It seems that the originality of the design appeals to them. It seems that you can assert yourself and show off your charm. I think I will be able to enjoy fashion and dressing the way I want to. There was also an opinion that they would actively want to wear it. It is probably because it is something they made themselves that they feel attached to it. Wearing it may also make you feel good.

Chose a photo with your friends. Because it's a good keepsake, a memory!

The second most common choice was a group photo of club activities and classmates.

  • It will be a good keepsake with everyone. I designed the names and portraits of everyone in the class. (50s / female / housewife)
  • If it is a picture of my friends' faces, the memories will not fade away even after many years. (40s / male / office worker)

Most of the respondents chose a group photo with their friends because it would be a memorial or a good memory. I think it will also be a good memory to have made it together with everyone and to wear it together. Having the same thing may also strengthen the sense of camaraderie.

Even an amateur could do it well! Landscape photos would be a safe bet.

The third most common response was a photograph of a landscape.

  • I don't mind if other people see my landscape photos, so I prefer landscape photos among these. (30s / male / contract worker)
  • The scenery is most enjoyable and never boring. The scenery is the best and most beautiful. It also looks good. (50s / Male / Public employee)
  • Because I think scenery would work well for beginners. I think it will be more likely to wear than elaborate ones (30's / Female / Office Worker)

Some of the reasons for choosing the landscape photo were that they did not mind if others saw it, and that it looked good. It may be considered practical to wear outside. If it looks good, people are not likely to feel any resistance to wearing it, and they will be able to enjoy wearing it fashionably. There was also an opinion that even beginners could make it well. Even if they make a slight mistake in the placement or color scheme, it may be easy to cover it up with the beauty of the scenery. It seems to be a safe design.

Because quotes are cool. And they'll get people talking!

The fourth most popular choice in the survey was a photo with a quote.

  • I think quotes are kind of cool and if you think that word is very important, then it's cool. (20s / Female / Student)
  • The quote thing is kind of cool. It's even cooler when it's on your back, like you're carrying the words on your back. (20s / Female / Company employee)
  • I'll use quotes because I think quotes are funnier and make me talk more with my friends and family members. (30s / male / unemployed)

The responses that chose quotes were seen to be because they are cool. I think they feel that the words have weight. Depending on the quotes you choose, you may be able to show off your personality. There were also reasons that quotes are more likely to be popular and to spark conversation. It may be possible to attract the attention of those around you. The advantage is that you can enjoy wearing them.

You don't just wear it! It's also about giving it meaning and a message!

The results of the survey revealed that some people choose a photo or image of their own design for originality, some choose a group photo of their friends to commemorate or remember them, some choose a landscape photo to create a safe design, and some choose a photo of a famous saying because they feel the words are cool. It can be said that Custom T-shirts can be made to suit various purposes and images. It is not only limited to the purpose of wearing, but can also have a meaning or message. It will be a piece that you will cherish for the rest of your life. Custom T-shirts can fulfill a variety of purposes. Why not try making one?

Other Responses

What kind of photo should be put on the custom T-shirts?

【Group photo of club activities, classmates, etc.】

  • If it is a picture of my friends' faces, the memories will not fade away even after many years. (40s / male / office worker)
  • It is because it will be a memorial to all of us who made it together. I designed the names and portraits of the class members. (60's / female / housewife)
  • If I am going to wear it to an event, I think it will be memorable in a group photo with memories of my class, etc. (20s / female / company employee)
  • A group photo of classmates is good because it is unique and memorable. (30s / male / office worker)
  • Group photos are the best way to preserve the memory of the event. However, the drawback is that in some photos, faces become small and it is difficult to tell who is who. (50s / female / housewife)
  • It depends on the occasion, but if it is used for a school festival, a group photo of friends is fine (30's / Male / freelance)
  • At a high school festival, I made T-shirts for the whole class with each person's portrait printed on it. (20's / female / office worker)
  • I want to make Custom T-shirts for club activities, classmates, etc., so I would like a group photo. (30's / male / office worker)
  • If it is a group photo, everyone will be in the picture and it will be memorable. (20s / male / student)
  • It's not very cool, but I think it will be memorable. (20's / female / housewife)
  • If the whole class is in the picture, the whole class will have participated and it will create memories. (40s / female / unemployed)
  • I want to make a T-shirt of my memories, so I want to make a group photo, etc. as a plinth. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I made it at my part-time job because it's a good memory to put up a picture of my friends with some kind of photo of them. (40s / male / office worker)
  • This is because it creates a sense of unity and leaves a strong impression on others. I think it will create a very strong image. (20s / male / student)
  • If it's an original from a circle activity, I think it should be a group photo... (40s / female / office worker)
  • Basically, I don't like any of them, but if I do, it will be from now on. It's very difficult (30's / female / housewife)
  • I don't have a particular reason, but somehow I thought it would be the best (20s / male / student)
  • I have had a group photo of my friends made into a tee-shirt because it is a souvenir. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • I think that by making it a group photo of my friends, I can feel a greater sense of togetherness. (30's / male / company employee)
  • If it is a picture with my friends, it will be memorable and we can wear it together. (10s / female / student)
  • It is good to make it as a memory, so I think it will be even more memorable if it is a picture of everyone. (40s / male / part-timer)
  • It will be a good keepsake with everyone. I designed the names and portraits of everyone in the class. (60's / female / housewife)
  • The safest thing to do is probably a group photo, but I don't like it. (40s / female / company employee)
  • Because it is easy to understand the message "This is a T-shirt of this group" (20s / male / company employee)

【Photo with quotes on it】

  • I have made Custom T-shirts with pictures with quotes. It is to enhance a sense of unity in club activities. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I am afraid of human faces, so I would prefer photos of letters written sturdily in calligraphy. (40s / female / office worker)
  • If it was in letters, it wouldn't look weird after washing and fading. We designed a word that we all decided on together. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I think it is possible to boldly use a famous saying (or a stray word) because I think it should be commemorative and interesting, although the places to wear it later may be limited. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • If the words are thought up by myself, I feel a greater sense of satisfaction when they are finished. (30's / male / contract dispatched worker)
  • I think words carry more weight than pictures. Bold and meaningful words are ideal. (40's / male / other professional)
  • I have made them in my club activities, and I think it is because each one has my favorite quotes, etc. and can be easily ordered. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • Custom T-shirts with text on them can be designed quite stylishly. (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I'm often drawn to the ones that have a single decadent quote on them or something. I think it's simple and cool. (10s / male / unemployed)
  • Group photos are lame and I don't have the confidence to design them. I don't understand the meaning of the landscape photo, so I think it is a quote with a message. (40s / female / housewife)
  • A T-shirt with a quote on it, because it makes a simple but cool T-shirt without any decoration. (30's / male / office worker)
  • 名I think it would be a cool T-shirt if the words are designed in a font that looks like that. (30's / Female / freelance)
  • This one fits better. It's weird to put a picture in. I feel like I'm getting drunk. (30's / male / company employee)
  • It's because I get excited when my favorite quotes are printed on T-shirts. I have designed an illustration of a cat. (30's / male / office worker)
  • The quote thing is kind of cool. It is even cooler when it is on the back, as if you are carrying the words on your back. (20's / female / office worker)
  • I think that putting the same quotes in the same place for everyone will unite us. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I think quotes are kind of cool and if you think the word is very important, then it's cool. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I'll use quotes because I think quotes are funnier and make conversations with friends and housemates more interesting. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • When I made it as a member of a club, I used calligraphy characters of words like "If you work hard, your dreams will come true" (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor)).
  • I want something that is written with a powerful brush, whether it's for fun or to say something that touches my heart. (30's / female / part-timer)

【Photographs and images designed by you】

  • I guess it would be a photo or image that I designed. I don't like the others. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • It's fun to think about the design together, and it feels like it was made by multiple layers of people. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • It doesn't have to be me (I have no artistic ability, so it's out of the question), but I admire cool and original designs. (40s / male / part-timer)
  • I used a close-up of a photo of an animal and it looked good. I thought it was hard to fail with animals. (30's / Female / Part-time job)
  • If it is a picture of your friends or something, it would be sad if it fades after wearing it, so it is better to put something you designed on it and show it well (20's / female / housewife)
  • If it was designed by me, it would be my own T-shirt. (50's / Female / freelance)
  • Group photos are tacky. I want to put an image with some kind of design on it. (30's / male / part-timer)
  • If I designed it, I have feelings for it and would like to wear it. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • I think animals, etc. would be a good idea.The T-shirt I used to make was for a club activity, so I think I put the school emblem and the school name in roman letters. It was cochineal on a white background and could be used for participation in open competitions. (50s / male / part-timer)
  • I prefer photos/images that I have designed to be included in the Custom T-shirts. (50s / male / company employee)
  • I would like to have an original photo of the calligraphy I designed and wrote, taken with my camera, and then put the photo on a T-shirt to complete it. (60s / male / contract worker)
  • If it is designed by me, the copyright is also mine, so any design can be my original (20s / female / student)
  • When I am involved in the project, I think it is easy to use and familiar to me. (20's / female / housewife)
  • After all, if I am going to make an custom T-shirts, I want to make sure that everything is original. (50's / Female / freelance)
  • If you want to put it on a T-shirt, I think it would be fashionable to have a photo or image that you designed. (20s / female / student)
  • I have yet to make an custom T-shirts, but if I were to do so, I think a group photo of club activities, classmates, etc. would be good. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • I thought that something with individuality would be more interesting and leave a stronger memory. (20's / Female / Contract worker)
  • Since you are making an original, this is where you want to be particular. Team emblems, processed photos, and so on. Nowadays, I can process photos by myself, so I want to do it. (30's / female / freelance)
  • If it is something I designed, it will give me a sense of self-satisfaction and be a memorial. Also, I like to design it myself. (30's / Female / Other professional)
  • Because I think the T-shirt in the group photo will only be worn once at the event, and I think the photo with the quotes is lame. Because I think it would be better to put my favorite picture taken by myself. (30's / female / office worker)
  • If you are going to make it, it would be more memorable to use your own design. I can't go out because I would be embarrassed. (30's / female / housewife)
  • Because I think there are portrait rights for group photos, copyrights for quotes, and appropriate rights for landscape photos. (40s / female / part-timer)
  • If I am going to make an custom T-shirts, I want to print a photo or image of my own design. I want to make something unique in the world. In the past, I have made T-shirts with my own calligraphy characters. (20s / female / public employee)
  • I like to do my own designing, so I want to print my own drawings. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • Because I want to make T-shirts with my own design. (30's / female / company employee)
  • I have made one that I designed myself, and I still treasure it because I have great feelings for it. (40s / male / freelance)

【Landscape Photography】

  • It is easier to fool around with a landscape picture, and it is not too embarrassing (30's / female / company employee)
  • Because I think scenery would work well even for beginners. I think the probability of wearing it is higher than elaborate ones (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • I would be embarrassed to wear it if it were a group photo, and I am not skilled enough to design it, so a landscape photo is a safe bet. (30's / male / freelance)
  • My favorite photo: ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think I'll probably go with the safest landscape photo because I'm afraid that a group photo and my design will look tacky and I'll regret it in a few years. I have no experience in making Custom T-shirts. (40s / female / part-timer)
  • I prefer landscape photos because they are easy to make into fashionable T-shirts. (20s / female / office worker)
  • I think scenery would look stylish. Even if it is original, anything too unique would be embarrassing. (40s / Female / Contract worker)
  • This is because a landscape photo is the most appropriate for inclusion on a T-shirt in this category. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • T-shirts with people's faces printed on them are kind of creepy, so I think scenery is better (40s / male / part-time job).
  • The scenery is most enjoyable and never boring. The scenery is the best and most beautiful. It also looks good. (50's / male / public employee)
  • I don't mind if other people see my landscape photos, so I prefer landscape photos among these. (30s / male / contract worker)
  • I think that using beautiful pictures of ukiyoe and landscapes that are popular these days will make T-shirts that are easy to wear and coveted. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • Because the design is good enough to come as general wear if it is a picture of a beautiful landscape in a foreign country. (20s / male / student)
  • There may be people who do not want to have their portraits made, so I think it is better to choose a landscape as a safe choice. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I want to print the natural scenery because I think it only lasts for a moment (20s / male / unemployed)
  • Even if the prints are good at the printing stage, it is difficult to preserve them because of the inevitable stretching that occurs after washing and wear and tear. I think it is better to have prints that are somewhat rough, but still leave a lasting impression on everyone. I made a T-shirt by having a contractor print the text I requested on a photo of a landscape. (20's / Female / Part-time job)
  • Landscape is the safest choice. You can also choose your favorite from famous paintings of the past and present. (60s / male / unemployed)
  • It is the most T-shirt-like design, and I can wear it in everyday life, so I feel comfortable with this kind of design. (40s / female / unemployed)
  • I think the T-shirts will stand out by including a picture of a landscape. I have designed an ice cream T-shirt. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I think it would make a very cool T-shirt if you process and include photos of scenery. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • If it is a group photo of club activities, classmates, etc., it will be too fragile to wear in other situations. I will choose a safe scenery. (30's / male / office worker)


  • A photo of my cat. Pictures of animals make me look stylish even if I wear a printed T-shirt. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • Maybe it's because I've never had a chance to make an original, but I don't feel like making one (40s / female / unemployed)
  • I would like to use them for different occasions. If I use it for a school festival or something, I would use it with my homeroom teacher. (20's / female / unemployed)
  • I don't feel the need to include a photo at all, and if someone asked me to include a photo, I would lightly run away. (40's / Female / Other professional)
  • If I were to make an custom T-shirts now, it would be a picture of an animal such as a dog, cat or rabbit. (40s / female / housewife)
  • It prints well with the pets I have. It doesn't look amateurish and can be used in everyday life. (20s / Female / Student)
  • I like anime, so I want to use pictures of anime characters. (10s / female / unemployed)
  • I don't include photos that show my face because I'm embarrassed. I made it with the names of all the children in my class (30's / female / housewife)
  • Pictures of stylish landscapes, foreign people, cute animals, etc. (30's / female / housewife)
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