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Custom T-shirts User Survey vol.19

Men's design t-shirts! What are some points to keep in mind when choosing a store ?

While there is a desire to create a men's design T-shirt the way you want it, there is also a need to be careful in choosing the right store to commission it from. For large men, it may be difficult to find large sizes, and they may also want to make sure that the font is cool and cool. In this survey, we asked respondents what they look for when choosing a store to order a men's T-shirt design.

Survey Implementation Summary

  • ■Survey area: Nationwide
  • ■Survey targets: Any age, male or female
  • ■Survey period: February 18, 2016 to March 03, 2016
  • ■Number of valid responses: 100 samples

Questionnaire results

The most common responses were...

Need a bigger size? We make t-shirts for every body size!

According to the results of the survey, about half of the respondents indicated that the store also offers larger sizes.

  • I think it is very important to be able to fit people of various builds, because a T-shirt looks bad if it doesn't fit your physique. (20s / Female / Student)
  • I think it would be easier to have a wider variety of sizes so that men with larger bodies can wear the same items. (30s / Female / Housewife)
  • It is important to accommodate larger sizes because of the various body types of the T-shirt wearers. (50s / male / public employee)

Men come in a variety of sizes, from small to large, so it would be difficult for larger men to find T-shirts in larger sizes. If the T-shirts do not fit their physique, they may not fit well even if they like the design, and they may appreciate having a store that can fit various physiques. For large people, finding a store where they can freely choose their size is likely to be a top priority.

Would a variety of colors and a variety of fonts make it easier to use ?

The next most common was a store that could also handle cool fonts, and the least common was a store that also offered men's colors.

  • I want to choose a font that expresses the coolness I have in mind. (30s / male / contract dispatched worker)
  • It would be nice if there was a font that men could wear and still look cool and cool. (20s / Male / Student)
  • Even if you come up with your own design, the more color options you have for the base T-shirt, the better. The more base colors, not just men's colors, the better. (50s / male / office worker)
  • T-shirts are familiar to men. Ideally, a store that offers a wide variety of designs and colors rather than sizes is ideal. (40s / Female / Liberal trade, freelance)

If you can choose a cool font, you will be able to express your own coolness and may be able to make T-shirts that you think are cool. Also, if there are color variations, you may be able to enjoy the freedom of making T-shirts according to your usage. If you are choosing a store, there is a need to find a store that can realize the colors and fonts of T-shirts you have in mind.

Would you like to have a wide variety of choices in various colors, fonts, sizes, etc ?

The results of the survey showed that about half of the respondents place importance on the availability of larger sizes when choosing a store, but many also place importance on the availability of cool fonts and men's colors. It would be nice to have a store that offers cool fonts and a wide variety of colors to choose from in order to pursue the coolness that only men can achieve. If there is not enough variation, the design of the T-shirts will naturally be limited, and it is also important to be able to freely choose the size of the T-shirts. A store that offers a wide variety of choices may make it easier to create T-shirts with the designs you like.

Other Responses

I'm looking to make men's design t-shirts! Which of the following do you think is the most important aspect of choosing a store ?

[Store for larger sizes]

  • The fact that there are many sizes other than free is expected to have the same effect as ordering. (40's / Female / Other professional)
  • I am worried about only regular sizes, so I think it would be better to have larger sizes. (30's / male / part-timer)
  • If they also handle larger items, it will enable sales that are not restricted to a certain size, and will attract customers. (20s / male / company employee)
  • It's hard to find large sizes even in men's sizes, so it's a place where sizes are available. (10s / Female / Student)
  • Many T-shirts are small in size for both men and women, so it would be nice to have T-shirts in larger sizes. (40's / Female / Housewife)
  • It is important to accommodate larger sizes because of the various body types of the T-shirt wearers. (50s / male / public employee)
  • If there is no size that can be worn, it is meaningless to make a T-shirt with a design if it cannot be worn. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I always check the size because I need about 3L for men's wear. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Men's wear will attract more attention because it will broaden the clientele if it can accommodate people of larger builds. (50's / Female / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • Loose-fitting sizes make T-shirts very useful. Larger sizes are attractive. (40's / Female / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • Free size t-shirts are quite often too small for men. I think it's important, if you're making them for men, to choose a store that has slightly larger sizes! (50's / Male / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • I still think it is meaningless to make T-shirts if the sizes are not compatible. (30's / female / housewife)
  • I want to make clothes where the design is the same for all sizes. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • It is important to check if the size is compatible with women's and men's sizes, as they are very different. (20's / male / freelance)
  • Some people have large body shapes, so it is better to go to a store that has larger sizes (40s / female / unemployed)
  • I think it is very important that t-shirts can fit people of various builds, because t-shirts look bad if they don't fit your physique. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I think that if I make it in a larger size so that it can be used for both men and women, there will be no mistakes in various ways. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • Some people are large, so I think it would be better to find a store that has larger sizes so that everyone can wear the same size. (20's / Female / Student)
  • If a T-shirt doesn't fit in the first place, I can't use it no matter how good the design is. (10s / female / student)
  • Because some men are bigger than others and I think there is more demand for larger sizes. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Men come in a wide range of sizes, from thin to large, so I think it is better to go to a store that can provide large sizes to some extent. (20's / Female / Company employee)
  • Men seem to range from small to large, so stores with a wide variety of sizes are better (30's / female / company employee)
  • I like to wear T-shirts in a loose fit, so I first choose a store with a wide range of sizes. (20's / Male / Student)
  • Size matters. If you don't have a larger size, it's not worth talking about anyway. (40's / female / freelance)
  • Larger sizes would be interesting because they seem to carry a wide variety of designs (20s / female / part-timer)
  • Because there is a wide range of body shapes, I thought that having a variety of sizes would be appreciated. (20's / Female / Contract worker)
  • I think it is better to have a wide variety of sizes so that men with larger bodies can wear the same items. (30's / female / housewife)
  • Designs and colors are supported by most stores and are not a particular problem. Even if the design can be compromised, if the size doesn't fit, the shirt loses its meaning. (50s / male / unemployed)
  • When it comes to being aware of what is for men, it is better to go to a store that has larger sizes and materials that can be used in various stages of creation. and materials that can be used in various stages of production. (50s / male / unemployed)
  • Many stores only offer small sizes these days, so I value stores that also offer larger sizes (20s / male / company employee)
  • I would like to have a larger size with room to spare. I tend to buy quite a large size (40s / male / company employee)
  • Men's body types vary, so I think everyone will wear it if you choose the right size. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I think size is important when men wear them too. I think it is no good to have a size that stretches a design you like (30's/Female/Housewife)
  • For men, I think it would be a problem if there is not a wide range of sizes. I want to choose a store that can make up to quite large sizes. (50's/Female/Part-time job)
  • When many people get together to make it, it is necessary to check if the size is available first. (50s / male / unemployed)
  • I think there are many people who are looking for larger sizes, so I think that is something to consider when choosing a store (30s / male / company employee).
  • I don't think we can talk about it without sizes. There must be sizes for large people. (40's / female / office worker)
  • Men's sizes are large, so I choose a store that has men's sizes and ask the store for advice. (60s / male / unemployed)
  • I think there is always a safe color, so I think size is the most important point. (30's / female / office worker)
  • Recently, the number of men with large bodies has been increasing, so I chose this option. (50s / female / housewife)
  • Fundamentally, if the size does not fit, I will not be able to wear it no matter what the design is. (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I think there are many men who want to wear large T-shirts that are loose-fitting. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • I still think that handling large sizes is an important point.... (40s / female / part-timer)
  • I like that they don't have a halfway decent size range. I want a firm choice (30's / male / company employee)
  • The wider the size range, the safer it is to repeat later. (40s / male / company employee)
  • I think it would be good to have a store that offers a variety of sizes because I want many people to be able to pick up the products. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • Because a wider variety of sizes would allow for greater flexibility. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • Because it would be helpful to have T-shirts with men's designs in larger sizes at the same price. (60's / female / housewife)
  • Men's wear comes in many larger sizes, so it would be helpful if there is not much difference in price by size. (60's / female / housewife)
  • If there is no size, it is a problem before design, so I wonder if there are sizes that can be worn by men. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • My husband's size is a large size, so I feel safer in a store where I can choose my size. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • Shirts must be of a fairly large size, otherwise they give the impression of being somewhat hot and stuffy (40s / male / part-time job)
  • For men, there are customers who are unexpectedly large, so it is a store with larger sizes. (40s / male / unemployed)

[Store for men's colors]

  • I don't think I would go out of my way to make T-shirts, but it is certainly easier to choose if there is a color I like. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I think it would be difficult to make T-shirts without men's colors. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I like the fact that men's colors are also provided as men's colors. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I think it is important to emphasize that the colors are available in a range of colors that men would like. (40s / female / housewife)
  • It is fundamental to have a variety of options. I think we can make something satisfactory by trying various things. (50s / male / company employee)
  • Even if you come up with your own design, the more color options you have for the base T-shirt, the better. The more base colors, not just men's colors, the better. (50s / male / office worker)
  • This is the result based on my past experiences (20s / male / student).
  • I think that men's preferences for colors vary widely, so I think it would be good to have a range of colors. (10s/Female/Part-time job)
  • I would like to use a store that can handle a variety of colors (30's / male / contract worker)
  • I think the colors of clothes men can wear are limited, and I think it is better to wear what men think is good for them. (20's / female / unemployed)
  • If I wanted to make a men's T-shirt design, the most important thing to consider when choosing a store was the selection of men's colors, so that's what I chose. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think most design T-shirt stores carry men's sizes, so I prefer stores that have a wide variety of men's colors in stock. (20's / Female / Office Worker)
  • Design T-shirts have a strong image of being made by girls, so I think it is also important to have a wide variety of men's colors. (20s / Female / Student)
  • T-shirts are familiar to men. Ideally, stores that offer a wide variety of designs and colors rather than sizes are ideal. (40's / Female / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • I feel that it is better to go to a place that has a range of colors that men might like. (40's/Female/Part-time job)
  • It's inconvenient if the clothes are all pink or other colors that don't suit men. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I thought it would be good to have T-shirts in colors that men would like. (30's / female / unemployed)

[Store for cool fonts too!]

  • I think there are many people who like cool fonts, so we should focus on stores that can handle cool fonts as well (30s / male / company employee)
  • If you are making men's orginal shirts, cool fonts are cool (30s / male / office worker)
  • I don't like decadent designs or colorful designs that stand out in vain, so I prefer cool designs that can be supported. (40s/Male/Public employee)
  • The font changes the image of the T-shirt completely. I would be happy if Japanese-like fonts are supported. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I don't want to compromise on design, so I want a wide range of designs (30s / female / company employee)
  • Because fonts are more important in design than you think. (20's / male / student)
  • I think this is the only way to make design T-shirts with text. (50s / male / office worker)
  • Men's is this because one day I may settle for a calmer color. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • Stores that offer men's colors and larger sizes are important, but I think the most important thing is the font. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think it is safer to ask a company that has such technology. (40s / female / unemployed)
  • Because they tend to be girlish tee shirts. I want boys to wear them without embarrassment. (20's / female / office worker)
  • I think this store can handle cool fonts as well. (50s / male / office worker)
  • I like stores with well-designed, cool fonts that are cool to wear and design. (30's / female / office worker)
  • I want to make T-shirts as cool as possible, so the font is important enough. (20s / female / unemployed)
  • Men are large, so if the design fonts can be matched, the appearance will be well-balanced. (50's/Female/Part-time job)
  • If it is for men, it still needs to be cool and I think the font should be particular. (40's / female / housewife)
  • I think it would be the greatest disappointment if the design or color is feminine (30's / female / part-timer)
  • It would be nice if there were fonts that would look cool and cool for men to wear. (20s / male / student)
  • I like that it is neither large nor color variation, but can handle anything. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I would still like to choose a store that can respond to a wide variety of orders and can offer a wide range of services. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • Because I think font design is important for men's clothing. A cool font is cool by itself. (40's / Male / Other professional)
  • I want to choose a font that expresses my image of coolness. (30s / male / contract dispatched worker)
  • If a store offers a variety of design arrangements, the range of designs can be expanded.
  • I guess the store could accommodate cool fonts. Larger sizes would be nice. (30's / male / unemployed)


  • There should be no need to associate with people who smell the toilet as soon as they have diarrhea. (40's / Female / Freelance)
  • A store that can print original illustrations. I think it will broaden the range of designs (20's / Female / Unemployed)
  • I think it's about finding a store with good taste, whether it's men's or women's wear. (40s / male / office worker)
  • If you want to make men's design T-shirts, the most important thing to consider when choosing a store is the size. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • A store that also offers smaller sizes. It's a bit of a cop-out, but nowadays there are many women who dare to select and wear men's items, so I think it's an essential strategy to have a men's store, originally for men, with sizes available for women to wear if they want, rather than having the same items in slightly different materials and designs for men and women. (50s / female / company employee)
  • The above requests could be handled by a modern store. I would like the staff to be flexible enough to make the design closer to my request. (40s / Female / Contract worker)
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