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Custom T-shirts User Survey Vol. 22

Design is the bottleneck! Explore the basics of fashionable T-shirts.

Many people may think of T-shirts as a fashion item that can be worn casually, but have you ever felt that T-shirts are all commonplace in color and design, and that they seem somewhat drab and dreary? If so, I would like to recommend Custom T-shirts to you. This is a term that is of interest to those who are sensitive to fashion, isn't it? Let's think about the decisive factors for making a fashionable T-shirt, and we have gathered valuable opinions from 100 people.

Survey Implementation Summary

  • ■Survey area: Nationwide
  • ■Survey targets: Any age, male or female
  • ■Survey period: February 18, 2016 to March 03, 2016
  • ■Number of valid responses: 100 samples

Questionnaire Results

The most common answers were...

A lot of information about fashion is gathered.

As a result of the survey, the most popular answer was "check in a fashion magazine.

  • Fashion magazines are the best because they contain the latest fashions. (30s / male / office worker)
  • Fashion magazines are easy to look at and have fashionable designs. (40s / Female / Company employee)
  • Check carefully in magazines. I check what's in fashion and if it's cute. (40s / Female / Part-time job)
  • I think that designs that appear in fashion magazines are still nice. (40s / Female / Unemployed)
  • Because I think it's a T-shirt design from a fashion magazine, I think it's a no-brainer. (20s / Female / Housewife)

More than 30% of our customers reach out to fashion magazines. Not only can they get the latest trends quickly, but they can also increase their knowledge of how to coordinate their outfits. Perhaps there will even be a feature on Custom T-shirts.

This is for fashion without borders.

The second most popular choice in the survey was "Check the web's snap page.

  • I think I will use the Internet, not only for T-shirts, but mostly for web searches when I need to look something up. (40s / male / public employee)
  • I guess I check on the web web snap page or maybe Instagram. (30s / male / office worker)
  • I can see a lot of snapshots on the web to solidify my image. (40s / Female / Company employee)
  • I look on the Web when I want to get a hint, because it is easy with a computer (20s / Male / Office Worker)
  • With the Internet, I can get a lot of information instantly, so I can refer to a lot of information. (30s / male / company employee)

It is noticeable that many people are easily pulling up information from computers and smartphones, which have become popular in ordinary households. If we can see many designs at a glance, it may be easier to understand their advantages and disadvantages while comparing each one. It will also be possible to learn about trends not only in Japan but also in other countries.

Take advantage of the unique benefits of being a regular customer.

As a result of the survey, "Check with your favorite store" ranked third.

  • I refer to T-shirt designs sold at the clothing stores I usually go to. (40s / Female / Housewife)
  • If it's your favorite store, you'll have the best tips. I have my own preferences. (40s / Female / Company employee)
  • Because I think I will find my favorite design in my favorite store and refer to it. (20s / Female / Housewife)
  • I check designs at stores I think I like and use them as hints. (30s / Female / Unemployed)
  • After all, I would like to be close by and actually see it with my own eyes and think of ideas. (50s / female / housewife)

It seems like a good idea to get ideas from stores that have similar values to your own. It will be fun to browse through the items on the shelves. Above all, you will find highly fashionable shopkeepers. You may be able to ask them for advice about Custom T-shirts.

Information you can't get from mannequins or photographs.

In the survey, "Check out the fashionable people in town" came in fourth place.

  • I check out very fashionable people when I walk around town. (40s / Female / Housewife)
  • People with a sense of style stand out and seem to be on the cutting edge of fashion. (20s / Male / Student)
  • I refer to the designs of people wearing fashionable T-shirts in Harajuku and other places. (20s / Female / Housewife)
  • Observing people who are actually fashionable stimulates my imagination. (30s / Female / Unemployed)
  • There are always fashionable people in town, so you should definitely check out those people (40s / Female / Housewife)

Even though it is at the bottom of the list, 10% of the respondents place more importance on street checks. This is not foolproof. I think that actually looking at people walking around in fashionable T-shirts from a third-party perspective will make your eyes more discerning. If the place they're headed to is their favorite store, they might even have a chance of coming across a great item there." Use Different Means for Different Purposes "You gathered a wide range of advice through the survey. We can see that fashion magazines are a reliable source of information. In addition to taking action from the web, you also mentioned the other means of researching designs on your own feet, such as checking stores and street corners. All of these are excellent methods, but the key point is the purpose for which the T-shirt is being made. If you are making your own personal T-shirt, then your preferences will be best served by maximizing your own personal taste. However, if you are making the same design for a group, it is a different story. You don't want to be complained about afterwards if you go with your own taste only. The important thing may be to choose the best means for your purpose.

Other Responses

Which of the following is a hint for creating a stylish T-shirt design ?

[Check out the fashionable people in town]

  • I refer to the designs of people wearing fashionable T-shirts in Harajuku and other places. (20's / female / housewife)
  • The fact that people are actually wearing it outside means that the design is such that there are more than a few people who would buy it or consider it fashionable. Therefore, I think that the fashion of people in the city can be a hint. (30's / female / housewife)
  • I check out very fashionable people when I walk around town. (40's / female / housewife)
  • Because it is easier to get an image by seeing people actually wearing the clothes than by looking at pictures or mannequins. (20's / male / freelance)
  • Observing people who are actually fashionable stimulates my imagination. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • I think it would be easier to understand if I could actually see different things and ways of dressing and boil it down to what I like. (30's / female / housewife)
  • Because I think it is quite high level to actually see it in the city and think it is fashionable. (60's / female / housewife)
  • People who dress with a sense of style stand out and seem to be on the cutting edge of fashion. I think they are on the cutting edge of fashion. (20's / Male / Student)
  • There are always fashionable people in town, so you should definitely check them out (40s / female / housewife)
  • When making a fashionable design T-shirt, fashion magazines can be a hint, but I will also check fashionable people in the city, and I think it is impossible to make something even more fashionable without doing so. (40s / male / unemployed)

[Check it out in fashion magazines]

  • Pacifiers are not allowed, but I think fashion magazines with a lot of trendy items are good for reference. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I find fashion magazines easy to read and easy to find useful. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • Check fashion magazines for tips on making fashionable T-shirts with stylish designs. I can also learn about current trends, etc. (30's / male / office worker)
  • Fashion magazines always carry the latest fashions and the latest trends (40s / male / part-timer).
  • I chose fashion magazines because they give me hints for making fashionable T-shirt designs. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think it is good to be able to compare and make various kinds of products.... (40s / female / part-timer)
  • I would like to pick up stylish T-shirts in various magazines and use them as hints. (30's / female / part-timer)
  • I think it is a good idea to first discern in fashion magazines. Then, we should consult with everyone. (50s / male / public employee)
  • Fashion magazines have a lot of cute designs in them and they are easy to refer to. (20's / female / unemployed)
  • Fashion magazines contain not only trendy coordinates, but also the latest clothing and unique coordinates, so I am sure that I can find fashions that suit me. (20's / Male / Student)
  • I think that magazines are easy to refer to because they contain a variety of clothing styles. (20's / Female / Student)
  • Fashion magazines should be studied because I think they are cutting-edge information that also reflects current trends. (30's / Female / Company employee)
  • I really like looking at fashion magazines, so I would like to refer to them. (40's/Female/Part-time job)
  • By checking various fashion magazines, I think I can find various fashionable designs. (30's / female / office worker)
  • Check fashion magazines for current trends, etc. I will create it. (30's / Male / Contract worker)
  • I can check what is popular at the time by looking at fashion magazines. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Most fashion magazines contain information on current fashionable designs, and many people imitate them. I think it is easy to get hints for creating fashionable designs from them. (20s / male / office worker)
  • I look at fashionable fashion magazines of various genres for reference (20's/female/part-time job)
  • Fashion magazines are the best reference for me because they are fashionably dressed to begin with. (50's / Female / Liberal trade/ Freelance)
  • A fashion magazine would give me a hint easily because I can see many T-shirts. (50's/Female/Part-time job)
  • There are many different designs on the site, and I'm sure there will be many that I like. (30's / female / housewife)
  • Checking in fashion magazines is a safe bet, after all, there's no substitute for the floppy look of hair.
  • Fashion magazines are easy to understand because they contain current trends, and I think they give me design hints. (20's / female / company employee)
  • I would be able to get hints on how to become more Japanese-oriented by checking out foreign fashion magazines, etc. (50's/Female/Part-time job)
  • If it is a fashion magazine, it is because it is easy to understand the part of how it will look when worn. (30's / female / housewife)
  • I think it is important to get hints from designs that I feel are good. (30s / male / contract worker)
  • I believe that the cutting edge of fashion is created by fashion magazines, so I check them. (30's / male / part-timer)
  • Because I think it's a T-shirt design from a fashion magazine, I think it's a no-brainer. (20's / female / housewife)
  • I think magazines are recommended because you can check out a variety of outfits, from the latest fads to what has always been in style. (20's / Female / Student)
  • It is more helpful to borrow and look at fashion magazines rather than fashionable people on the street or stores I like. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I think that designs that appear in fashion magazines are nice. (40s / female / unemployed)
  • Fashion magazines are the best because they contain the latest fashions. (30's / male / office worker)
  • Check carefully in magazines. I check what's in fashion and if it's cute. (40's/Female/Part-time job)
  • I learn a lot from the various things introduced in magazines...(40s / male / company employee)
  • Fashion magazines are easy to look at and have fashionable designs. (40's / female / office worker)

[Check out our web snap page]

  • There are so many different designs on the web, and I am sure I will be able to find something that suits my sensibilities. (30's / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • TwiTTer and other social networking sites are also good to use. I think it will be helpful since celebrities and popular models from around the world also post their pictures there! (20's / Female / Student)
  • If I look at a lot of snaps on the web, I can definitely get more information than if I check outside by myself. (30's / female / housewife)
  • I think I will look for landscapes and snapshots that I like on Web pages, rather than imitating others. (50s / male / freelance)
  • In the meantime, you should check the snap page and check the design and materials that seem to be in vogue. (40's / male / company employee)
  • Check the web snap page, I think. (50s / male / company employee)
  • I can see a lot of snaps on the Internet, and a good design may come up in an unexpected place. (20's / female / company employee)
  • I guess I'll choose one of the web's snap pages where the number of tips to check is huge compared to others. The more the merrier. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • The Web is very convenient because I can gather a lot of information from the comfort of my home. (40s / Female / freelance)
  • The only way to see numerous designs is to look at images on the Internet. You can find as many as you want. (40s / male / company employee)
  • I check on the web web snap page, or maybe Instagram. (30's / male / office worker)
  • If I want to get a hint, I look on the Web because it is easy with a computer (20s / male / company employee)
  • I think I can search for various information freely at my own pace (30's / female / part-time job)
  • With the Internet, I can get a lot of information instantly, so I can refer to a lot of information. (30's / male / company employee)
  • Because it is safe to choose from those made by people who like such things. (20's / male / student)
  • The web has the most variety, and I can check out how various people are wearing their clothes. (40's / Female / Other professional)
  • T-shirts are worn by people all over the world, and I think that the Web would be full of ideas on how people from all over the world wear and design T-shirts. (40s / female / housewife)
  • Because there seemed to be a wide variety of materials and I thought it would be a great reference. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Anyway, there is a lot of information on the Web, and I can get information for free. (20s / female / unemployed)
  • I want to see various designs and be influenced by them, even though I might be called a pacifier (30's / female / office worker)
  • Because I can see a lot of snaps on the web to solidify my image. (40's / Female / Company employee)
  • I think I will use the Internet, not only for T-shirts, but mostly for web searches when I need to look something up. (40s / male / public employee)
  • When designing something, the Internet is a powerful ally. I can use ideas from all over the world as hints. (40s / male / other professional)
  • If I were to check, I feel this method would be the easiest way to check a lot. (50s / male / company employee)
  • I would really like to go out on the town and observe various people, but I think it is faster and I can see more people on the Web. (40s / Female / Contract worker)
  • I refer to colors and designs on the web, where I can see various designs regardless of age and gender. (40's / female / housewife)

[Check with your favorite store]

  • I think it is better to check at the stores I often buy from. (30's/Female/Part-time job)
  • Even if it is fashionable in the world, it is meaningless if it does not match my taste, so I chose this option so that I can aim for something fashionable within my taste. (30s / female / unemployed)
  • Checking out the latest trends and the basics of fashionable design in the store will give you a chance to get some hints (20s / male / company employee)
  • Because I think it is good to imitate ready-made products sold in stores. (20's / female / office worker)
  • After all, I would like to be close by and actually see it with my own eyes and think of ideas. (50's / female / housewife)
  • If it's a store I like, I'll be interested in it and my mind will be fully active. (10s / female / student)
  • If it's a store I like, I can find my favorite design for reference because it has clothes in the style I like. (10s / female / student)
  • Because I think I will find my favorite design in my favorite store and refer to it. (20's / female / housewife)
  • Because I can make my favorite T-shirts by referring to clothes from my favorite stores, which will be close to what I want to make. (30's / female / office worker)
  • Sometimes, looking at fashion magazines doesn't quite fit what is fashionable. Instead, it is better to go to your favorite stores and explore your own tastes. I think it is best to explore one's own fashionable style in one's "favorite" places. (Teenager/Female/Student)
  • If it's a store I like, there is always a design that suits my taste (40's / Female / freelance)
  • You might want to check it out at your favorite store. I like the others too. (30's / male / unemployed)
  • If it's your favorite store, you'll have the best tips. Because I have my own preferences. (40's / Female / Company employee)
  • I would like to design a T-shirt based on my favorite store's T-shirt. (20's / Female / Student)
  • I check designs at stores I think I like and use them as hints. (30's / female / unemployed)
  • I will look around my favorite stores and see what kind of designs are lined up. (30's / male / office worker)
  • I always refer to the design of T-shirts sold at the clothing stores I go to. (40s / female / housewife)
  • I think it is good to imitate the design I like (30's / female / part-timer).


  • It is my idea. It is because it is no longer original when someone else is wearing it. (50s / male / company employee)
  • I ask people. When I see certain things, I end up imitating them. (40s / male / self-employed (sole proprietor))
  • I would like to see many examples of existing designs at once. For example, it would be good to look at every single place on the web where T-shirts are sold in online stores. A page with all the book cover designs in one place or a page of textiles would also be good. It would also be interesting to look at the pages of stores with good taste and think about how to incorporate the elements into a T-shirt. (50s / female / office worker)
  • If it is a hint, there is no problem, but recently it is possible to look it up in one shot on the web, and there is the problem of plagiarism.
  • Through various programs, animations, and movies on TV and the Internet, I get hints for color composition and design. (40s / male / unemployed)
  • The colors of paintings and such are very good, so images of such things are helpful. (20's / male / freelance)
  • I wanted to make it without forgetting to generate it with my own ideas. (20s / Female / Contract worker)
  • Fashion is a unique thing for each person. I want my shirt to say "nanny" on it. (40's / Female / Liberal trade / Freelance)
  • If you refer to someone else's T-shirt, you will imitate it. Rather, I prefer to be inspired by artwork and the like. (40s / male / office worker)
  • I would like to get hints from animals and plants in nature, not from fashion-related sites. (50s / male / unemployed)
  • What comes to mind when designing a T-shirt is a casual word I can think of a T-shirt design that is a logo arrangement of an ordinary word. Not only Japanese, but also alphabets are acceptable. (50s / male / unemployed)
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