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Just like the picture!
I made a phone case directly from a photo I took with my iPhone. I was surprised at the quality, which was better than I imagined when I took it properly! The original was a mesh shirt, but the bumpy surface of the UV printing (!?!!) is actually a bit too rough for my liking. The original was a mesh shirt, but the bumpy texture of the UV printing (!?) on the surface is somewhat similar to the texture of the actual uniforms, which makes me excited. This phone case with the team's uniform pattern makes me look forward to baseball games from weekdays to weekends. Thank you very much!
It was very good!
The design was intuitive and easy to do, with a crazy variety of colors and patterns to choose from, and it was also crazy fast, less than a week after it was completed and arrived! I was worried that the edited images would be a little rough, but that was not the case, they were very clear and beautiful! I am very satisfied and would like to make another one!
It was great!
There were some roughness and grazing, but generally it was printed beautifully! I am happy with my lovely work. Thank you very much
Ron T.
It is fun to be able to wear something I designed.
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