





First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my website. I have always loved to come up with different designs. First of all, thank you very much for coming to me from among the many sites. I always love to think of different designs on a regular


A symbolic figure who embodies Kyoto's traditional culture and aesthetic sense is "maiko". Their individual gestures and walking are graceful, and those who see them will be mesmerized, regardless of gender, because they walk with a leisurely stride and have a gorgeous presence that is calculated from their hands to their eyes. They are also closely connected to the atmosphere of the ancient capital of Kyoto, and have the formality of a work of art along with the cityscape and gardens. "ANSANDARE" is a brand created and born by a designer who grew up in Kyoto from a young age who understands the image of such a "maiko". In this first design, I dared to depart from the "maiko-san" that has always embodied and expressed elegance, tradition, and beautiful gestures, and on the contrary, it is a work that conceives and gives shape to an image that cannot be imagined. Whoever picks up these works is (huh!?) Maiko doesn't do this~) The design is designed to make you smile a little. 京都の伝統文化と美意識を体現する象徴的存在こそ「舞妓」さん。 彼女たちの一つ一つの所作と歩く姿は優雅であり、ゆったりとした歩幅で足を運び手先や目線までが計算されつくした華やかさが漂う存在、男女関係なくその姿を見た者はうっとりとしてしまうことでしょう。そして古都京都の風情とも密接に結びつき、街並みや庭園と共に芸術作品の格式を備えている彼女たち。 そんな「舞妓さん」のイメージを理解している幼き頃から京都育ちのデザイナーが作り上げ産まれたブランドが 「ANSANDARE」 です。 今回の処女作デザインでは優雅さと伝統、そして美しい所作をも昔からずっと体現し表現し続けている「舞妓さん」からはあえて離れ、逆に想像できないイメージを考えだし形にした作品です。 これらの作品を手に取った人が、(えっ!?舞妓さんがこんな事しないやろ~っ)少し微笑まれるようなデザインに仕上げています。

Product detail

Material 100% cotton
Fabric thickness 12.7 oz
If you purchase today September 20th, it will be delivered on October 2nd
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